Saturday, March 19, 2016

Original Diablo Pitch Document

As promised during my GDC 2016 Diablo Postmortem talk, I have uploaded a PDF of the original Diablo Pitch document. You can find the document here:[diablo_pitch.pdf]



  1. It's a fascinating read. To see what would eventually become a classic game, a success like Diablo in its infancy really gives anyone interested in creating using the medium of gaming just alittle more incentive to do so.

    Thanks for posting.

  2. Thanks for sharing. It's always interesting to get an inside look at the beginnings of a franchise.

  3. Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Thanks David! Diablo is a huge inspiration for the game we're working on:

  5. Super interesting! Wow is this the first example of microtransactions for video games? How come you guys didn't do the mini expansion packs? I bet it would have been huge.

  6. Thanks for this nice document

  7. This is a short, exciting , wonderful presentation of a piece of history. Ty very much

  8. Diablo 3 Blizzard North versión please...!!!!

  9. Man sooo awesome to see an OG GDD like this! I used to cover my dial up modem with pillows at night so I could sneakily play on while my parents were asleep lol.

  10. I noticed it was a planned 12 month dev cycle. That's unreal, when compared to modern games, and unreal when considering how many systems had to be designed for this game. From the dynamic floor generation, to the combat system, to the UI, to the system that determines the shortest route to the clicked square, this game is just impressive.

  11. Replies
    1. Saw your interview with Rhykker and it led me here. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to read this

  12. I got my start on a Radio Shack Tandy TRS-80 Green-Screen I bought off of my schools end of the year sale for $5 or $10. The power supply was blown so I learned hardware repair, & after it was fixed I realized I couldn't do anything w/ it because it didn't have anything except word proccessing software. So I started learning BASIC & Assembly. By the end of 4th grade I had finished my 1st mostly txt/mud based RPG. Battles were peek/poke'd stick figures lol. I kinda patterned my life around those 2 skills since. I remembered all of the games mentioned, however Diablo 1&2, StarCraft, Total Annihilation, & Acclaim's Machines: Wired 4 War hold a special place in my list. They were so well planned & unique unlike the majority of Pre-βeta monitized clickbait out today. I later got into modding/hacking via binary/HEX 4 both D1/D2 creating custom equipment & weapons. years later & used to sell full sets of custom equipment to ppl for Diablo2 SP/LAN games. I still own 2 sets of D1, 1 of D1/Hellfire(c/o Sierra), 1 Battlechest w Prima Guides of D2+LOD, & 2 other D2+LOD sets 4 LAN games. Anyways, thanx for many years of fun, inginuity, & code-wrangling opportunities.

  13. diablo and diablo 2 is basically my childhood in a nutshell I have recently found that modders are trying to rewrite diablo 2 in a modern game engine would love to see it in Unreal Engine 4 or Unity myself

  14. There's a typo in the last sentence of the Marketing section. It says "roll" instead of "role" in role-playing games.

  15. Really Thanx for this project! It is my
    childhood in a box of game!

    Greetings from Brazil!

  16. I am afraid to look. It is like peeking into the ark.

  17. It has a lot of interesting and useful content. Keep up the excellent work! Thank you so much for your fantastic article! By the way, I'm a gamer, and I'd like to recommend a shader pack for Minecraft to you. You can get the BSL Shaders  set here, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

  18. Thanks for posting this. You made a huge part of my middle childhood. Amazing work! My name here was my original account name for bnet :)

  19. Yikes! Thanks for sharing this! Diablo is part of my childhood. Remembering my days when I couldn't afford to play D1 back in elementary and college, now I'm married with 2 kids and I can finally play D1 to D4 on my PC or PS5! Never too late to play Diablo! Cheers!
